healthy mind Mind My Best Self Project self confidence Soul

My Best Self Project #2 One Positive Thing About My Body

I’ve made a promise to start looking after myself and everyday I’m making small changes. Today I’m turning the attention to how I think about myself.

My inner dialogue when I’m looking at myself in the mirror or thinking about my face or body can be very negative at times. I am getting better at being more positive but when I’m feeling anxious those negative thoughts are loudest.

Today I thought I’d write down one positive thing about my body. I chose to do only one because then I could really focus on why I felt good about that one thing instead of trying to find three and making up some vague reasons that maybe I wasn’t really feeling.

I went for a bike ride today and I thought about how I feel more confident wearing shorts. I’ve always been self conscious about my legs but lately they’re looking a little more shapely and I’m proud of that because I know how hard I’ve worked during leg day! Then I thought about how much stronger my legs have become and I started to feel grateful for the strength they have to get me through long days in work on my feet. I love walking, cycling, exercising and I need my legs for all these activities.

Every time I wear shorts or a skirt instead of worrying about cellulite, veins at the back of my knees and stretchmarks I’m going to try and remember how proud I feel at how strong my legs have become.

I’m going to continue to try and think more positively about myself and when I have negative thoughts recognise what is triggering them. This is something that I need to check in on regularly as it takes a lot of practice to change the way we think about ourselves.

Day two of my best self project is complete!

Louise xox

By fitlittlecookie

I'm a Mum of 2 girls living in the U.K
I blog about fitness, food and body positivity.

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